My Dearest Liam,
You started Kindergarten on Tuesday. I am so proud of who you are. You are such a sweet, smart and funny little man. I have been dreading these kinds of milestones. I haven't been looking forward to letting you go. Then again, I am so happy to see you growing and experiencing life. I was seriously sick with a stomach bug Tuesday and I didn't even get to take you to your first day of school. Maybe our angels were doing us both a favor. I was told by Daddy that you were very confident and happy. You went straight to your desk and bluntly told Daddy "Bye". I mustered up all my strength to get out of bed and pick you up from school. You were so excited and so tired. You told me you love it. I am so happy that you are happy with this new stage. I know you are going to do wonderfully at school. You are just so smart and social, so I know this will be a piece of cake for you. I am going to really miss my time at home with you. I was so lucky to get to stay with you all of your first 5 years. That time is something I will really, always cherish. We had so much fun together. (Story time, Chick Fil A, Starbucks dates, couch cuddles, morning cartoons, eating lunch together) I will really miss having my little sidekick and helper all the time. You have been a delight in my life. While I know that I am sad to let you go, I am also so happy to see your flourish. You are going to do great things with your one "wild and precious life" and this is just the start of it. So go off into this world (even if it is just 7:45am-2:45pm) and do great things and be happy but know that I am always in the background cheering you on.
I love you always and forever,
Liam at Meet the Teacher, the night before school started.
Daddy and Liam on the way to school on Liams first day of Kindergarten!
(Mommy was too sick to be in pictures!)
Liam at his desk, the first day of Kindergarten.
Way to go Liam!